Model: Gep.Bø-11-03
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Knitting pattern is in Danish More information available if you switch the language of the page to Danish (click flags above)
Model: Gep.Da-14-08
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Knitting pattern is in Danish More information available if you switch the language of the page to Danish (click flags above)
Model: Gep.Tb-12-03
0 reviews
Trendy og praktisk i skøn forening. Efterspurgt model lavet i PUNO den skønneste, bløde babyalpaca. Strik "Grace" og føl dig lidt som en chic 50´er sild i en varm, ulden udgave.
Model: Gep.Da-11-03
0 reviews
Islandske tanker er, som navnet antyder, en sweater med inspiration fra de klassiske islandske sweatre med rundt bærestykke. Her er den dog ikke strikket i den islandske uld, som mange finder meget kradsende, men i stedet i Puno - en superblød alpacamix. Blusen strikkes rundt nedefra og samles med ...more
Model: Gep.Da-18-02
0 reviews
Kongming is the name of the Chinese sky lanterns that were among the first designs using hot air to make a man-made object fly, making the Kongming-lantern the ancestor of ballooning. That is the story behind the name of this balloon-sleeved sweater. It is knitted in Puf, a soft blend of cotton and ...more
Model: Gep.Da-12-03G
0 reviews
A simple sweater with a bobble twist. At the same time, the bobbles give an impression of a classic, Nordic yoked sweater. No scratch here though, as it is knitted in Kid Silk 5, a soft and airy mohair-silk bland. The pattern also gives directions on how to lengthen the pullover into a dress. At Ul ...more
Model: Gep.Da.11-06G
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Knitting pattern is in Danish More information available if you switch the language of the page to Danish (click flags above)
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Model: GEP.DA-17-17
0 reviews
Nogle gange vil man bare have en basissweater med et lille twist, så det ikke bliver kedeligt. Hvis sweateren så også er superblød, så kan det næsten ikke blive bedre. Himba er netop sådan en sweater! Strikket i Puno, en superblød alpacamix, med snoninger og foldet halskant er det en sweater, du får ...more
Model: Get.da-17-21
0 reviews
Brioche stitch is a major knitting trend right now, while at the same being a evergreen of the craft.Hojotoho combines a short, feminine silhouette with a simplified brioche technique. The pullover is knitted in Puno from Gepard Garn, turning out a wonderfully soft and light sweater, looking sharp w ...more
Model: Gep.Da-17-22
0 reviews
A warming layer, a comforting cape, a snuggly poncho - Isolde is all three of these. It's finished with stylish details such as saddle shoulders and armslits. Knitted in the round in the super soft alpaca blend Puno fra Gepard Garn, Isolde is a poncho which is enjoyable in every way - enjoyably sof ...more
Model: Trs.Da-12-25
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Knitting pattern is in Danish More information available if you switch the language of the page to Danish (click flags above)
Model: Trs.Da-12-40
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Knitting pattern is in Danish More information available if you switch the language of the page to Danish (click flags above)
Model: Trs.Da-12-41
0 reviews
Knitting pattern is in Danish More information available if you switch the language of the page to Danish (click flags above)
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